We deliver communication and business management solutions through strategic advice and planning, issues management, creative communication campaigns, community consultation and executive training programs.


Social Media

Sorting out the Mountains from the Molehills

I participated in a panel on crisis communications and social media yesterday and it got me thinking about what defines a crisis, and what is really just issues management. It was evident that my definition wasn't consistent with others in the room or on the panel with me. So I spent my commute downtown pondering my own definition and the criteria I would apply to determine when to flick the crisis switch. Read the rest of this entry »

Transparency vs Confidentiality

As technology makes it easier to find and share information, I ask myself where the line should be drawn between transparency and confidentiality. And does the line shift depending on the organization or individual involved? Read the rest of this entry »

Privacy, And Records, And FOI – OH MY!

If you're working in local government and have been hit by the social media tornado, it probably feels a bit like you're not in Kansas - or any other familiar town - anymore. Communications people are grappling with how to integrate these new tools in a strategic way, rather than willy-nilly (that's the technical term). But the impact of social media is hitting other key areas as well, like records management, FOI and privacy. I think lions, tigers and bears would be easier to handle. Read the rest of this entry »